Sunday 2 September 2007

My Necron Army

My Necron army is really annoying for my enemies. Because of my "ill be back!" rule which allows my Necrons to come back to life because of there unique ability to repair themselves. But there is a bad side where if I lose 75% of my army it goes !!POOF!! and the rest of my 25% percent of my army phases out.

My army consists of 3 squad's Necron Warrior's 6 pariahs, 3 Destroyers,8 Necron Ankle biters and a Necron Lord which a canny ability to resurrect Necrons that have been blown to tiny bits from lascannon and other lethal weapons and he also has a ability teleport away from close combat for example 8 genestealers and broodlord and 6 pariahs and Necron lord and the Necrons are losing and the Necron lord can teleport all of his squad disappears to a safe locaton and starts to shoot the genestealers.

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