Wednesday 7 November 2007

Knee deep in 'nids

I have at last finished the battleforce worth of 'nids for Gabe. When I say 'finished' I mean 'assembled'. They still have to be painted.

One of the three Lictors came with two right-hand legs. Great eh? Worse the Terminus LRs (LRT) had some malformed parts. Crucially these were the pillars used to attach the sponson mounted twin linked lascannon. I managed to fix up one of the models but the second was much too warped. Fortunately I had some bits left over from the LR Crusader. Duh. Thought of that lot too late for the first LRT.

I am currently planning on having the day off on Friday as I am expecting the terrain board (6'x6') to arrive... or at least 'this week' was the estimate. Unfortunately no sign of any confirmation on delivery times. More on that later.

The Kaiser Rushforth cases have proven their worth. Yeah the boxes are cardboard but the card used is more than adequate. More importantly the foam inside is excellent. So much so I have started replacing the foam in my large GW case with KR foam. So if you are looking for excellent value for money cases, I can definitely recommend the KR stuff.

KR are pleasantly efficient at order fulfillment as well. Always a nice touch.

Meantime I need to work out how many cases I will need for my growing vehicle armoury.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Apocalypse Day

So we were going back in the car and dad said "There is an apocalypse on." and I said "we can go watch." and he said "no we can go play." and then next week we were there.

When we got there wasn't much on the table but when we got unpacked there were lots of difference. Dad was against us and we started. First it looked like we were going to win but they got 5 extra people and we only got one. First dad shot his baneblade and got rid of half my army. Then it got stunned and missed a go and I assaulted some space marines.

About 4 turns later another quarter of my army is gone but the baneblade was stunned 3 times. At last the match comes to an end and the space marines won but it was great.


I have requested the boys get their accounts of the battle but they are slow... so here are some pics to tide you over.

The GW shop at the Metrocentre Gateshead hosted an Apocalypse special last Saturday. We attended with Nick's friend Chester.

In the photos you can see Chester, Gabe and Nick. I should have stood back and took some pics of the whole table. Oh well.

I ended up in charge of the Baneblade and apart from the very satisfying destruction of a significant portion of Gabes 'nids, the 'blade spent most of the time 'stunned'. Hey ho. Missed the 'stealers as well.

Even so the look o
n Gabe's face when the dinner plate blast template came out was priceless!

Sunday 2 September 2007

My Tyranid Army

I decided to collect the Tyranids because I heard about the overwhelming horde and lethal melee skills. Along with some cool rules e.g secret deployment overwhelming numbers. But the best bit is they look disgusting!!!!!

One of the biggest models in real life its tongue would be at least the length of two cars!!!!! The model is called a Carnifex.

My Necron Army

My Necron army is really annoying for my enemies. Because of my "ill be back!" rule which allows my Necrons to come back to life because of there unique ability to repair themselves. But there is a bad side where if I lose 75% of my army it goes !!POOF!! and the rest of my 25% percent of my army phases out.

My army consists of 3 squad's Necron Warrior's 6 pariahs, 3 Destroyers,8 Necron Ankle biters and a Necron Lord which a canny ability to resurrect Necrons that have been blown to tiny bits from lascannon and other lethal weapons and he also has a ability teleport away from close combat for example 8 genestealers and broodlord and 6 pariahs and Necron lord and the Necrons are losing and the Necron lord can teleport all of his squad disappears to a safe locaton and starts to shoot the genestealers.

Wednesday 29 August 2007

The promise

Earlier this year my sons started getting interested in Warhammer 40000 (WH40K).

I thought this was a pretty decent hobby to get into so I promised them that if they truely engaged with the game, I would buy into it as well.

Much to my surprise they did dive into the game big time. So I had to make good on my promise.

I am now collecting the Space Marines.

Beware of making promises!